• Master Degree in Art, specialty of Sculpture University of Seville 1995-2000.


  • Studies in the third Cycle (doctorate), area teacher of the Doctorate in Art at the Faculty in Seville.


- The concept of relief and its technical evolution through history

- Techniques of melting lost wax

- Function and death of the public monument (first part)

- Function and death of the public monument (second part)

- Methodology in the elaboration of curriculums, projects and memoirs

- Theory and practice of the sculpted portrait

  • Course of Pedagogical Adaptation of the Universidad Hispalense

- General Didactics and Psychology of the Education

- Special Didactics

- Internships carried out at the I. E. S. Velázquez in Seville. Levels E.S.O. and Bachelor


  • Educational period in the studio of D. Antonio J. Dubé de Luque. Learning and practice on the techniques of sculpting and restoration of sculptures of religious and civil thematic. Designs and projects of different nature. Years 1993-2004.

  • Various collaborations with professionals in wood, synthetic resin and metal at the ornamental level.